Hi There! My name is Michaela Crossley!

I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Communication Design from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. My concentrations are Graphic, Package and Interactive Design. I interned at Widenhammer from August 2023 to October 2023 and have grown as a designer, professional, and personally from my experience there. I have been trusted to create advertisements for a chocolate company and create a brand guide for a company. I learned much about project management, client communication, and prioritizing work.

I held a volunteer position for six years, which shows commitment, loyalty, and a sense of community, and has helped me gain the skill for leadership roles and photography skills for fast action shot photography as well as group shots. 

I am also skilled in product photography post-production editing; while editing photos for Graco UK at Iron Mountains, I am proficient in using the mask tool, pen tool, and color-correcting products to match a series. The third and final thing that makes me stand out as a candidate is that I can code websites using HMTL and CSS. My experience at Kutztown learning code has enabled me to create a website from scratch, which most people don't have a passion for doing like I do or don't know how to code.

Lets Get Connected!

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